Thursday, April 11, 2013

Rounds 4 Research - Reminder and New Extended Dates

Rounds 4 Research -
Reminder and New Extended Dates

Dear NEGCSA Members:

By now you have probably heard that the NEGCSA is participating in the Rounds 4 Research program.

In case you are not aware or do not know much about this program, I will digress just a bit. You might remember in mid 2012 the Environmental Institute for Golf (GCSAA's philanthropic organization) announced that it would be conducting Rounds 4 Research after the Carolinas GCSA administered it on a smaller scale for three years.

Working with a handful of chapters, the Carolinas GCSA generated nearly $350,000 in three years to support local research and advocacy efforts. Noting that the program had grown beyond its administrative capacity, the Carolinas approached GCSAA with the challenge to take it national and share this wonderful opportunity with others.

So why is the NEGCSA involved in Rounds 4 Research? Quite frankly, we are operating in an unsustainable manner in addressing many of our needs. We know research dollars are getting tougher to generate. We know that we need to engage with local and state lawmakers to advocate on behalf of our game and business. We know that we need to attract the best and the brightest to continue our profession through scholarship. In short, we have needs that we cannot sustain with the resources we generate by ourselves and industry partners.

Rounds 4 Research is based on the practice of securing donated rounds of golf and putting them up for public auction. This mechanism allows the end user - the golfer - to contribute directly to activities that ultimately benefit them, their facilities and the game.

While the funds come from golfers, the focus is on us as a chapter to build an inventory of rounds. I am asking each of you to work with your facility leadership to secure one tee-time (defined as a foursome) in each of the next two years (2013 and 2014). You can do this by completing the online donation form at or by contacting Noel Riley, GCSAA's Coordinator of Environmental Programs at (800) 472-7878 or by email: and the information will be entered for you.

I am excited about the opportunity presented to us. But this will take a commitment by each and every one of us to secure donated rounds of golf and promote the program to our golfers, patrons, and members. I ask that you donate a round today so that we have a healthy profession, industry and game for years to come. Our auction dates have been changed to August 1-11, to allow members more time to donate, so please get those rounds donated, thank you!


Joshua Yerdon
NEGCSA President

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